Friday, February 3, 2017

Ground Hog Day

1. What is groundhog day?

Groundhog Day is a traditional holiday that began in the United States. It is celebrated on February 2 and supposedly predicts the coming of spring. If the groundhog comes out of its burrow and sees no shadow that'll mean early spring, but if it does see its shadow it will run back to its hole and that'll mean 6 more weeks of winter. Groundhog day comes from an ancient Christian celebration known as Candlemas Day from the 1700s. It was a custom on Candlemas Day that the clergy would bless  candles and distribute them to the people in the dark of winter.

2. What is Punxsutawney Phil's prediction?

Punxsuntawney Phil predicted more winter after seeing his shadow.

3. What is Wiarton Willie's prediction?

Wiarton Willie's prediction was an early spring after he came out and did not see its shadow.

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